Joy of life

Rose of Persia organic, essential oil

Fragrance: Beautiful, gentle scent of roses. Flowery, soft, warm, feminine. The “Queen of flowers”. For just a few drops of this precious essential oil, 30 organic roses are required! The rose oil improves dry, tender skin and has skin-regenerating and rejuvenating qualities.

CHF 53.90
Including VAT, excluding delivery charges
CHF 5390.00 / 100 ml

Additional information


This wonderful organic rose oil originates from the province of Kerman in the south of Iran. On the slopes of the Lalehzar mountains at around 2000-3000 meters above sea level, the damascene roses are cultivated by hundreds of peasants and distilled by the cooperative down in the valley. The cooperative has made a name for itself because the cultivation of roses created a substitute for the cultivation of poppy and thus continues to guarantee a solid income for the peasants. They also participate in the profits of the rose distillery. A nice anecdote: The mash of the rose distillation which used to be a waste product, is now being pressed into the shape of bricks and dried in the sun to be finally used for log burning.

Quality:certified organic
Certification:Ecocert, Frankreich/International
Plant part:Blossoms
Extraction:steam distillation
Botanical name:Rosa damascena


For beneficial room fragrancing and personal aroma care. For information on the therapeutic use of essential oils, please consult respective aromatherapy reference books.


Safety guidelines

When using aromatherapy, especially in sensitive phases of life (children, pregnancy, breastfeeding, senior citizens, pre-existing conditions), consult the relevant literature for the right choice of oil and various application options. Essential oils are strong-smelling substances, so caution is advised if you are prone to migraines or epilepsy, if you have small children, and when scenting rooms occupied by pets. Individual components can be irritating to the skin, so always dilute the oils and avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.

Ethnobotanische Duftreise: Iran

Ethnobotanische Duftreise: Iran

Duftpflanze: Damaszenerrosen
Anbaugebiet: Iran - Lalehzar-Gebirge
Anbaupartner seit: 2016
Besonderheiten: Höhenlage auf 3000m; Projekt „Rosen statt Mohn“; neben Rosenöl werden Hydrolat und sowie getrocknete Rosenknospen für den heimischen und arabischen Markt produziert; Upcycling der Destillationsabfälle zu Rosenbrennbrikkets

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